
Mike Ashabi Is The Owner Of Five Businesses. He Decided To Change His Life When He Kept Getting Doors Closed In His Face. Find Out How You Too Can Change Your Life.

Rejection is constant in the nine to five work life. Whether it is being rejected from other jobs or rejected promotions, it is unfortunately a factor that many of us have to deal with on a daily basis. Mike Ashabi had decided that he had had enough rejection. It felt like everywhere he turned, rejection followed him, and he knew his only way out was to build something new.

“I started my company because I was tired of not getting opportunities I was working so hard for. I was being rejected left and right which was actually a blessing in disguise. All the rejection made me stronger and eventually made me want to go create opportunities not only for myself but to go help others learn how to create opportunities! I wanted to help people face their own internal truth, so they can go live their true life. That is the reason why I called it true life ventures. Once you accept the truth, the truth will set you free,” Mike explains.

Mike capitalized on this idea of helping people create and find their truths. It has led him to open not one, not two, but five of his own businesses in the True Life family. His first business is the one that started it all: True Life Ventures, which is a life and business coaching and company sales training. Second, there is True Life Financial: a life insurance agency. Third, True Life Entertainment works with artists, musicians, and entertainers alike to help them get paid gigs. Fourth, there is True Life Media, which helps people expand their online presence and platform, and finally, True Life Real Estate, which aims to teach people about real estate providing classes for both the entrepreneur and buyer. True life Real estate currently has 51 rental units under management and is also about to launch an investment fund that will be available only to accredited investors in order to acquire apartment complexes and expand their portfolio. Within all the companies and time frame, the stats have reached $3.8 million.

For Mike, what separates him out from the crowd is that he is unconcerned about the money making in all of this and loves simply providing for his customers.

“To me it’s not about the money, it’s about the freedom. And once you stop chasing the money and you start chasing being a person of value, the money will come. So ultimately the reason I started my company was not about the money, it was about getting the message out there in order to create impact and come from a place of contribution. It’s always been bigger than me, but I always knew it all started with me,” Mike states.

What has also helped make him so successful is his consistent marketing. Despite all of the difficulties that 2021 has posed for the economy and for his company, Mike has never strayed from what he does best or tried to rebrand in any way. He has always been focused on his path and how he can continue to make a difference in people’s lives in so many ways.

“Your intention with branding is to create a message that provides value and contributes to spreading a unique perspective that is simplified in a way that people in the marketplace and in society can benefit from. That’s what most people do wrong. They make their marketing so complicated and in a way that the average consumer cannot resonate with and when you market in a way that the average consumer can resonate with, that is how you make true impact. You can resonate with people who you would never think they would be able to do certain things in life until your message was perceived in a way that was simplified and easy for them to understand and pushed them into taking action to change their lives,” Mike advises.

To find out more about Mike’s story and the many ways his businesses can help you find your truth, follow him on Instagram here.