Rudy Pean Wants To Teach People The Ins And Outs Of Their Credit So That They Can Live Better Lives
Rudolph “Rudy” Pean is an entrepreneur in the world of helping people restore their bad credit. He is helping people learn that more than just prohibiting people from buying a house and borrowing money, bad credit can actually harm many more aspects of your life including your job prospects.
Rudy was inspired to join this industry by two main influences in his life: his parents and his desire to help people in life. He saw his parents work day in and day out to just make ends meeting. He wanted to change his life and his family’s life by working hard and making a difference.
The second aspect of Rudy’s passion is driven by his desire to help. He knows how much his advice can change people’s lives who need better credit to get a home or any number of other things.
Pushing forward with his dreams and wanting to help others, Rudy is working hard in the new year to help more people, specifically small businesses. He is hoping to not only help people out of a hole, but also teach them to save money and have better financial practices.
To find out more about Rudy, you can follow him on Instagram here and check out his website here.